The Volchev File

Soviet prisoner Igor Volchev is released from prison after serving twenty-three years for his role in a Kangaroo court held by Ukrainian Rebels following World War II in which two Soviet Officers were killed. In writing the minutes of the trial, Volchev added a false sentence to one of the copies which became a rallying cry for the Soviets to crush the rebellion. His fiction was dramatized an unknowingly made his defense of the pair famous. Ciel Reynolds of New York, one of the richest women in the world, had pledged to sponsor Volchev should his release ever come about through Amnesty International. As Volchev considers his good fortune from the balcony of Ciel’s penthouse in New York, he knows something is very wrong. Knowing there is little time before he and his role are eliminated and forces move on Ciel and her fortune directly, Igor must find a way to protect her before it is too late