More With Cal and Uncle Bill

More With Cal and Uncle Bill

When they murdered Clare in his apartment, as an ex-con Cal Daniels knew the big long story about who did it and why, would never see the light of day let alone get an airing in court and he would simply go away for the murder and the harder he made it for them to put him there, the longer he’d stay. So Cal and his Uncle Bill, a retired LAPD street cop, buried Clare by an arroyo near Joshua Tree and he knew if trouble could find him again working on the graveyard shift, it could find him anywhere. Cal also knew the idea that he may know what Clare was up to now makes him a target as well. From the daily journal he began in prison, Cal recounts the events that began that morning, as every step away from her death somehow brings him two steps back toward it and he realizes as long as he lives, the people from Clare’s past will always view him as a threat. Before it would end his infamous background will give way to a different kind of fame that will leave him well traveled and nearly dead three times.